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Mother’s Day Gifts

Mother’s day is right around the corner, and we thought we could help with the gift search!

All those amazing moms out there deserve recognition for all they do, so why not spoil them with a fabulous gift! We found a variety of gifts that any mother will love, from bath bombs to stylish accessories!

Rodeo Boutique | The Boutique HubRodeo Boutique || Fairy Bomb $ 8.00

Twig and Willow | The Boutique HubTwig and Willow || Coco Rose Body Polish $42.00

Armoire Boutique | The Boutique HubArmoire Boutique || The Ocean Swirl Acrylic Earrings $ 18.00

The Cheeky Bean | The Boutique HubThe Cheeky Bean || Farrah Saddle Bag $36.00

These Three Boutique | The Boutique Hub

These Three Boutique || Taupe Floppy Hat $29.00

Lauriebelle’s Boutique | The Boutique HubLauriebelle’s Boutique || Mom Mug $15.00

Want more amazing boutique finds? Join our Facebook group, Shop The Best Boutiques!

Hero Image: These Three Boutique

Meredith Pomietlo

Meredith Pomietlo

Meredith is the style and podcast editor here at the Hub. She loves all things fashion and art, such as graphic design work, photography, and apparel design. Meredith is currently going to school for Retail Merchandising with a concentration in Apparel Design.

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